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11 Snapshots


A lot of the time, my mind will work in pictures.  And when its not working in pictures, it works in song.


Every chemistry exam, math test and homework assignment I ever came across either had a song associated with it that I made up to help me remember the material in question or a picture (aka “snapshot”) I would take and store away in my mind until that opportune moment when I desired to utilize it or remember it for one reason or another.  


These past 3 months, I took a lot of mental snapshots.  CGA (Center for Global Action) was the healthiest community i’ve ever been a part of.  I loved every moment of it, learned way more than I thought I would and even walked away with some life long friendships that I never saw coming.  God blessed me beyond belief this semester while preparing to be sent out as a missionary and I wanted to give you guys a small glimpse at some of the moments that made this time in my life so unforgettable.  


Here are 11 snapshots that made me stop, think and thank God for the people and community around me.



1. Van Ride with Uche.


During our first week at CGA, a missionary from Uganda came and hung out with our class.  He ended up on my hiking group and I was determined to make him a friend….if you don’t know this about me already, making new friends is probably my favorite thing to do in the whole world.  I remember this one moment in particular, on the drive to our hiking location where my new friend (Uche) and I were talking about sacrifice for the great commission.  He gave me some great advice that I was eager to eat up as a “missionary in training” and warned me to use this semester to prepare myself for the season ahead.  It was an amazing conversation and I walked away from that, determined to feel as prepared as possible at the end of my three months in GA.



2.  The Hike.

 At the beginning of the semester, we were placed into teams and told to go for a 4 day hike/camping adventure.  The group I was placed in, was in itself a gift from God.  EVERY SINGLE PERSON in my group became a close friend throughout the semester and as I look back on that time we started out together I see just how God was giving me a small glimpse of the incredible community that was ahead of me.  There was one moment in particular during the actual hike we did, that I remember thinking to myself “God.  I think I really love these people.”  That was a huge moment for me.  I had become so jaded by some past experiences with unhealthy community that I had put up walls around myself…trying to not fall too in love with the people around me.  What if they decided they didn’t like who I was?  What if I forgot how to invest in quality friendships?   These insecurities had kept me from being myself a majority of the summer and I was tired of the guardedness, at this moment…I decided to let God take those walls down and really began loving the people I was with and let them love me in return.



3.  Before the Mansion Party

Right after we moved into our trailer, also called “The Mansion”, my housemates and I threw a housewarming party.  The party itself was SO fun…but what happened before the party, became snapshot #3.  The 2 hours leading up to the guest arriving was filled with insane music, fun, laughter, dancing and awesome conversation with 7 neighborhood boys from the trailer park.  We didn’t have anything planned, no set games or ideas…just hung out and had a blast.  This time with them was particularly special to me because it fulfilled a desire in my heart that I knew only God understood.  Although I don’t have any huge desire to birth my own kids at this point, I’ve always wanted to be a “mom” of sorts to street kids, and more specifically boys.  These kids weren’t street kids, they all had homes and families in the area but their presence in our new home reminded me of my calling to love kids that have no place else to go, or no one else that’s looking after them.  I hope that one day in India God will show me a group of boys that just need some attention, someone to show them a small glimpse of the unconditional love that Jesus has for them.  One day…One day.  



4.  Girls night.


The three girls I lived with this semester were just….ugh, so amazing.  They are truly beautiful women of God and I can’t express how thankful I am to have had the privilege of being with them in The Mansion this semester.  One night, when Tim and Brant were gone, we decided to watch a movie, make popcorn and brownies and just chill together.  As a quality time person, I loved this so much…and really cherish this memory.  Later that night I also had an incredible, vulnerable conversation with one of my India teammates, and realized just how awesome it is that I get to move to India with 4 people I trust, admire and really love. They just get me.  Thank you Jesus, for that.  




5. Carving Jesus into a  Pumpkin


One of the most amazing friends I’ve made here..that I actually met first back in Swaziland when our squads crossed paths is Morgan.  She works in the passport department, where I apprenticed this semester so we got to hang out quite a bit.  One day, we were the only two people in our department left in Gainesville, and were left with the daunting task of carving a pumpkin for the AIM halloween contest.  We decided to play the #jesustrumpcard and carve Jesus into our pumpkin….it turned out SO well!!  (Shout-out to Brant who helped us quite a bit lol).  I was so proud of our end product….and then Morgan left it at her house so we never actually entered it into the contest haha…but it WOULD have won…if it were entered!!  




6. Monday lunches w/Piva


My best friend on The World Race was also in GA with me for CGA.  She has been such an incredible support to me not only on the race but all summer and then again here at discipleship school.  Every Monday we would meet up for lunch, give each other feedback, pray together and share all the struggles.  OH how I will miss these awesome conversations!  She recently moved back to Brazil and that goodbye was….HARD.  But God is doing SO much with her life and I know she is exactly where God wants her to be, so proud of you Piva!! Love ya Girl and thankful for our Monday lunches…which will continue via the form of skype twice a month when we are thousands of miles away from one another (:





7. Visa Struggle talks w/Brant


So my India team leader is the greatest team leader ever. for reals. just ask any one of the bazillion people he has been a team leader to lol. I first heard about this dude back in early April when I was in Mongolia,  have had the unique honor of getting to know him since then, even got to be his housemate for 3 months and MAN I’m so excited for all the team adventures to come!!  We are very similar in some areas (i.e adventure, talking to people, not planning, going with the flow etc..) and then very different in a few, which leads me to my Snapshot # 8….

About a week before I sent in my visa application I had this nightmare about my visa being rejected.  I flipped the freak out.  I got super stressed, and then upset at myself because I didn’t know why I was so upset at the same time knowing God was in control.  It was a frustrating time.  Brant said 2 things to me on 2 separate occasions that really helped me get through the visa fiasco.  I don’t even know if he’d remember this haha but if you’re reading this…it did help a lot, so thanks Brant (:  The first was before I sent in the application and was all worried about it/beating myself up for being worried).  He said something to the effect of…It’s ok that you’re worried, this is a big deal.  it’s not just a visa for a vacation, it’s a visa for a life event.  so, it’s ok that you feel the weight of this, but don’t let it cripple you.  God wants the same thing you do.     

For some reason, this was really important for me to hear in that moment.  God knew I needed for someone that understood the weight of this move to remind me that getting there wasn’t my responsibility…and that God was not only in control, but that he was behind me every step of the way.  The second occasion was after my visa application got lost and I had all these lies in my head that were keeping me from believing that God wanted me to get to India.  Brant reminded me of the book of James and how discomfort should not be misunderstood for a closed door from God…discomfort is inevitable, it’s the courage we decide to step into when uncomfortable that separates us as radical followers of Christ.





8. Thanksgiving with my CGA class


When I say thanksgiving, I don’t mean the turkey kind.  I mean the actual sitting down and giving of thanks.  My CGA class was so great at encouraging one another and making everyone feel loved.  One day we met up at The Root House and spoke into each and every person in our class.  This moment was absolutely amazing,  I remember thinking to myself “I literally can’t believe how blessed I am to be sitting here”  and its true!!  I wouldn’t give up these 3 months with my CGA class for anything, they helped me grow, pushed me into the hard things, listened to me when I was struggling with something and encouraged me through the tough parts. I love them and will certainly miss these world changers!



9. Lunch with J and F

During the week long missionary retreat at the end of the semester, I got to have lunch with two of our missionaries stationed in the Middle East, J and F.  They have been missionaries for over 25 years and just spoke a lot of life into me as someone that wants to be a missionary for that long.  During our lunch together they gave me some wonderful advice, prayed over me and even gave me an Islamic name, “Nigma” or “star” in Arabic that I can pray into and walk with as I serve in India and pray about where I think God will be calling me to serve after that.  They inspired me so much, their obedience and incredible faith were so evident.  Their strength and boldness was unlike anything I’d ever seen and definitely falls under one of my snapshots of the semester.



10.  Being Commissioned by The Barnes’


Ever since I accepted the call to go back to India, I had prayed for someone to commission us.  Weird desire, but I felt it was important and wanted to ask God for it to happen at some point before we left.  That prayer was answered when the Barnes family, all of whom are incredible missionary leaders decided to commission us all at the missionary retreat.  This was WOW…such a blessing, I felt so loved and trusted to be sent out as an extension of this family, the AIM family and all the missionaries in the room’s love for the unreached.  It was just a moment or two, but it will forever remain one of my favorite snapshots of my lifetime.  



11. Graduation


Sometimes I suck at goodbyes.  I easily get distracted or forget to take time and genuinely thank the people that invested in me and cared for me before our paths seperate and that is something I’ve really been trying to do a better job at lately.  Thankfully, at CGA graduation this was pretty much done for us!  haha.  We had ample time to seek closure with one another before heading our separate ways for Christmas and I was super thankful for it!  This group of people I had gotten so close to were (mostly) at this event and we were able to share one last meal together, take awesome pictures and look back on all the awesome memories made in GA over the last 3 months.  Two moments in particular that I made sure to stop and remember were when these two pictures were being taken.  The first of my class, the second of my house.  These people are my close friends, my radical family and those whom I have the honor of following/living alongside for years and years to come!





7 responses to “11 CGA Snapshots”

  1. loved it! and yes, I was reading. haha! and you’re welcome and I do remember that conversation. So glad it turned out! Also not sure the Jesus pumpkin would have won. It was fantastic but there was still daylight during the judging…

  2. Brant!!…has it really just been 4 days? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever! ALSO…WHAT?! totally would have won. as long as every other pumpkin also did not show up. THEN 100% would have won. Jesus Pumpkin every time. confidence is key 😉

  3. Drea, this is so happy!!! I’m really touched that I got to start off this journey hiking in the woods with you and ended it with a long car ride home of reflection with you also. It’s been a very special journey, friend 🙂

  4. Drea! Love this!!! Thank you for sharing! Can’t wait to start the next chapter with you! Love you! #indiawecominforyou

  5. Yes!! Me too! You are such an incredible friend Bella and I am grateful that I got to start and end this season with you as well (: Merry Christmas!!!